28 Most Inspiring Management Quotes

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Managers have a unique opportunity to impact their companies by the way they manage their staff. Even managers, like everyone else, have bad days and might use some inspiration to keep a good effect on people they work with. We asked executives and decision-makers to submit their favorite phrases that helped them remain focused throughout their careers.

28 Most Inspiring Management Quotes

Here are the best 28 professional management quotes that will inspire you.


1. “Train individuals well enough that they can quit, but not so well that they want to.” – Branson, Richard

Lisa Sanovski, Owner Web Hosting Rating

In my company, I aim to live by this slogan. It’s self-evident, I know. However, if you take care of your employees, they will take care of you and your clients. It’s also good sense to train your employees since it may increase your company’s performance, bottom-line earnings, and employee morale. Consider the following classic business adage: “What if you teach your employees and they leave?” “However, what if you don’t, and they stay?”


2. “A successful guy is one who can build a solid foundation with the bricks hurled at him by others.” — Brinkley, David

Jarvis Tower is the brainchild of Chris Jarvis, an author, speaker, and founder of Jarvis Tower.

It takes a lot of effort to run your own company. For all entrepreneurs, one of the keys to success is to prepare for and accept failure. You’re going to face a lot of difficulties. When you’re depressed, a lot of individuals will want to take advantage of you. My greatest joy in life has been rising from the ashes and proving people incorrect.


3. “In a crooked row, you can produce more corn.” – Altes, Wally

GreyCastle Security’s CEO and Co-Founder, Reg Harnish

It essentially suggests that success does not follow a straight path. We’re all going to have setbacks on our journeys, so embrace them because your development will be much bigger and you’ll gain a lot more out of it. When things don’t go as planned, I remember this statement, and it helps me stay in the correct mentality and keep moving ahead.


4. “Hiring brilliant individuals and telling them what to do makes no sense.” We pay clever experts to advise us what we should do.” – Apple CEO Steve Jobs

Michelle Kubot, MBA, Ambrosia Treatment Centers’ Marketing Director

Small business owners often struggle with entrusting others with the management of the company and giving them the authority to make decisions. Micromanagement, on the other hand, is not the same as leadership. Steve’s comment serves as a reminder to have faith in our best workers’ abilities and perspectives. It’s something I also remind my boss about. The phrase encourages people to spend less time managing their schedules and more time getting things done.


5. “Don’t try to be someone you’re not.” “Learn it as you grow into it.” – Rivers, Keisha A.

The KARS Group LTD’s Chief Outcome Facilitator, Keisha A. Rivers

This saying motivates me and my colleagues because it encourages us to attempt new things and push ourselves to be better. We don’t have to worry about being flawless because we know that in order to establish a company, we need to grow and develop both individually and collectively. This remark instills in our team members a spirit of honesty and openness, allowing us to assist one another in our personal and professional development.


6. “Whistle while you work.”

KWIPPED’s Chief Marketing Officer, Robin Salter

In my view, if you don’t like what you’re doing for a livelihood, you should look for something new to do. Now, depending on your line of work, it may not be a good idea to physically whistle while you’re working (e.g., librarian), but the adage is a terrific reminder to work with pleasure and passion throughout the day. A positive attitude at work leads to improved health, creativity, and productivity. As a C-level executive at my company, I can tell you that our leadership team wants everyone on our team to love coming into work and performing their jobs every day, and we’re working hard to achieve that objective.


7. “Everyone wants to be a bodybuilder, but no one wants to lift huge weights.” Coleman, Ronnie

Your Money Geek’s Founder, Michael Dinich

This quotation is one of my favorites since it hasn’t been overused to the point of cliché. Anyone who has worked in a company for a long time has seen a lot of presentations, or has read a lot of books/blogs has probably heard the same quotes a million times. It reminds me that if you want to be successful, you must put in a lot of effort.


8. “Don’t criticize, condemn, or whine,”

Grant Park Academy of the Arts Co-Director Adam Cole

When you believe something is wrong, it’s difficult not to criticize, condemn, or complain. There are occasions when constructive criticism is required. Criticizing, denouncing, and whining, on the other hand, are sometimes used to build energy in order to divert or conceal blame. When others don’t seem to have your best interests at heart, it’s easy to misinterpret their intentions or even makeup ones that are more about you. The best technique is to try to fix the situation by engaging their help in finding a solution while avoiding emphasizing blame or reason. Then you achieve what you want (a solution) without jeopardizing your connection.


9. “Take control of the result.”

DoHardMoney CEO Ryan G Wright

I’m not sure who to credit this to since I don’t have a source for it. Because we are a service-based company, each team member’s responsibility for the results of each encounter with internal and external customers is critical to our success. I know that if I adopt this mentality, it will inspire the same level of responsibility in the rest of the team.


10. “Fierce enough to handle it!”

Tara Wilson is the founder and CEO of the Tara Wilson Agency.

We believe there is nothing we can’t do if we put our minds to it, and we never accept the word no. I’m a triathlete who has completed an Ironman, but I’ve had to put competition on hold due to work obligations. Every day I come to work and grow this company, I am conscious that I have made a sacrifice. That motivates me to do my best every day, to pick up the phone and make that cold call, to dig deep and push myself and my team to be our most creative selves.


11. “Don’t be scared to sacrifice the good in order to achieve greatness.” – Rockefeller, John D.

ShipMonk’s CEO, Jan Bednar

We frequently settle for a “decent” solution when there may be a better one out there, whether it’s a process, software, or project. Because of fear, complacency, or other factors, we sometimes recognize the “excellent” option but settle for the “good.” This proverb, which I learned in college, continually reminds me to have the bravery to abandon a good project or process in order to pursue a great one.


12. “Just because something is done does not imply it is the right thing to do.” Cinderella –

Military Standard Training’s Managing Director and Owner, Andrew Emmett

In a recent business meeting, I used this phrase to explain to employees why we do things the way we do and don’t follow the college education model, as well as to encourage them to assess our methods and search for ways to enhance our services and results for young people. It also made the workers grin when they discovered I had been watching Cinderella. I believe the remark can be applicable to most corporate contexts, particularly those that strive to be creative and market leaders, as well as those who want to be ethical leaders. It doesn’t imply you have to produce a product the same way everyone else does. It doesn’t imply you have to dispose of rubbish the same way everyone else does. It doesn’t imply you have to treat your staff the same way everyone else does.


13. “Praise in public, criticize in private,”

Jonathan S. Harris, Schechter, McElwee, Shaffer & Harris, L.L.P.

I’m not sure who said that initially or where I first heard it. I am certain that that is solid counsel. It’s not helpful for staff morale to criticize one employee’s bad performance in front of the whole group. It makes the offender feel terrible, and it makes all of the other workers fear that they will be next to be publicly humiliated.


14. “Despite the fact that leaders choose power above productivity, it looks as though managers would rather be in charge than have a firm that works effectively.” Wheatley, Margaret J.

SparkRental.com Operations Director Denise Supplee

For more than two decades, I’ve had the chance to establish and manage teams. I’ve also been mentored by a number of people. I’ve discovered that most individuals like being involved. People become more productive when they feel significant. The components of the body are the subject of an ancient joke. When the one that transported the trash chimed in as being significant, all of the portions of the body chuckled. Then that waste hauler went out of business, triggering a slew of issues across the whole body. The moral of the tale is that you should not be religious just because you are a boss or a supervisor. Every single person’s task is equally vital.


15. “Details make the difference.” Gregory L. Sullivan, Ph.D.

Amanda Basse, Alan David Custom’s Outreach Coordinator

This is one of the most accurate statements in the custom suit industry. Our most distinguishing feature is a collection of apparently little elements that combine together to create a significant impact. Many people believe that a suit is just a suit. When you have a bespoke suit made for you, every aspect, large and little, is planned, cut, and stitched just for you, it transforms from a suit to a timeless, lifelong wardrobe item.


16. “A decent plan carried out fiercely today is preferable than a flawless plan carried out next week.” – General Patton

FenSens CEO Andy Karuza

This remark appeals to me because I feel that in business, particularly as a beginning or small firm, momentum is everything. If you don’t move, your competitors will overtake you. To me, it’s OK to overlook a few little errors for the sake of moving ahead and modifying along the way, but spending the time and doing your due research on critical choices that might cause major difficulties if not done effectively is essential. The majority of choices, on the other hand, are minor and should be made and implemented fast (at least to test it).


17. “Whether you believe you can or believe you can’t, you’re almost always correct.” Henry Ford –

JosefMartens.com, JosefMartens.com, JosefMartens.com, Josef

This remark talks about the importance of self-assurance and the capacity to achieve your goals. The phrase is particularly powerful since it views failure as a manifestation of your own strength. Many individuals begin with excellent intentions but with the expectation of failure. You begin to see your strength and are able to change into a positive manifestation of your power once you genuinely recognize that your failure is a consequence of your own power rather than the circumstances. It’s all up to you in the end.


18. “Know why you’re doing what you’re doing.” – Michael Junior

Professional Counselor Heidi McBain, MA, LMFT, LPC, RPT, HeidiMcBain.com

This is a fantastic saying since it goes beyond the obvious in terms of “what” you do in life. It gets to a more in-depth level. It has to do with the overall purpose and significance of what you accomplish in life. If you know why you do what you do, everything you do at work and outside of work will have a meaningful purpose that is broader than just you.


19. “Doing the impossible is sort of fun.” — Disney, Walt

Sosemo CEO Larry J. Gurreri

There’s a lot of mystery around how digital marketing campaigns are handled these days, particularly when it comes to earned media channels. As a commentator in this profession, I appreciate being referred to as a “magician” because of the achievements our team achieves. As an agency, we try to provide amazing outcomes for our clients. As a result, I think the comparison with Walt Disney-style enchantment is really appropriate.


20. “I never lose,” “I’m either going to win or I’m going to learn.” — Nelson Mandela, South Africa

DECASO President, Kendra Frisbie

This statement motivates me to get out of bed every morning since it has such a positive outlook on life. I appreciate the lessons here, which remind me of Thomas Edison’s comment about never failing but discovering 10,000 methods that didn’t work. Every day, we must attempt new things; some will work, while others will not. We learn from those who don’t and go on. Every day is a chance to learn something new, and sometimes the most valuable lessons come from the smallest ideas that don’t pan out, which are then converted into the most significant ones that do.


21. “Would you want me to offer you a success formula?” — Watson, Thomas

Terani Couture’s Sas Terani is the brand manager.

In a society where we attempt to avoid failure at all costs, Thomas J. Watson’s comment reminds us that we must lean towards failure and learn from it. Rather than disregarding failure, I use this quotation as a reminder to sit down with it and figure out how to proceed. It has made all the difference in our success to change how we engage with and welcome failure.


22. “There’s nothing worse than a boss who can’t cut bait,”— Welch, Jack

Timothy G. Wiedman, D.B.A., SHRM-CP, PHR Emeritus, Doane University Associate Professor of Management & Human Resources (Retired)

Every day, company owners make hundreds of business-related choices. Most of those options will almost certainly work out well in a successful firm; but, a handful will almost certainly not. However, many business owners and entrepreneurs suffer from an all-too-human problem known as “escalation of commitment,” in which they are unable (or unwilling) to change direction after a choice has clearly gone wrong. Those people, in Jack Welch’s words, “can’t cut bait.” And persisting in an ineffective mode of action might have devastating results! As a result, the finest managers, owners, and entrepreneurs are those who can look back on their prior judgments objectively and “draw the plug” on an ineffective line of action when it makes sense.


23. “Today, someone is sitting in the shade because a tree was planted many years ago.” Warren Buffett (Warren Buffett)

Stephanie Pope, Hope & Harmony Farms’ Partner

Warren Buffett’s comment serves as a compelling reminder of why we continue to cultivate the best Virginia peanuts available, a century-old tradition. Success is a protracted game in which you must nurture and preserve your brand/product; it is not a “one and done” journey in business or in life. In times of failure and peak seasons, I think about this phrase to remind me of our “why” and to remember to live by our credo: “Love the land.” Respect your ancestors. Give it your all.” Concentrate on your product’s and brand’s good long-term trajectory; the seeds you plant now will develop to provide value to future generations.


24. “You can’t satisfy everyone, and you can’t make everyone like you,” Katie Couric, ABC News

Creative Development Media’s Founder and Creative Director, Kristin Marquet

Like many children and teens, I strove to please everyone as an adolescent because I was frightened of being hated. When I initially began my company, I understood I couldn’t make everyone happy or like me (as in offering 15 different services in 15 different industries). Despite the fact that it was a difficult lesson to learn, it has served me well throughout the years. I exclusively work in three verticals as the owner of a creative business, and I am quite picky about the brands I represent.


25. “Winners Win,”

Barber Surgeons Guild Founder Ari S. Goldberg

For years, this has been my rallying cry. In only two words, it encapsulates so much. It’s straightforward, straightforward, and everyone understands what it implies. It implies that to be a winner, you must first win, and then you must do what winners are prepared to do in order to win. If you don’t, you’re a loser. Losers, on the other hand, do not win; they lose. It’s also one of my favorites since it works on practically every occasion. It’s a motivating statement to get someone back on track who is moaning or being a “poor me.” And, if someone has recently done something outstanding, it’s reassuring to tell them that they performed what was expected of them and that it paid off well.


26. “You don’t receive what you don’t ask for.”

Warner Communications’ President and Founder, Carin Warner

This phrase is one of my favorites to share with my staff because it inspires them to ask for the best and look for additional options when they’re confronted with a problem. For example, if a staff member recognizes that they might be more productive in a certain area but does not request the tools to help them get there, they may be squandering a chance to progress themselves and the organization. The worst that may happen is that the receptionist says no, but at least you asked and put it out there. This phrase motivates my team to work harder and strive for the stars, which helps both our customers and our firm.


27. “There is opportunity in the middle of turmoil.” Sun Tzu

Owner/Founder of DocuDavit Solutions, Sid Soil

Keeping this quotation in mind provides our staff a fresh perspective during difficult or stressful situations. Rather than losing our minds, we instantly begin looking for fresh ideas and changes that would, in the long run, make our firm more efficient and productive. This is a quotation that has helped us get through some challenging business situations.


28. “Increasingly, management’s responsibility is to lead passion and purpose rather than to structure labor.” Greg Satell is a writer.

CimAlp’s CEO, Lionel Marsanne

This remark resonates with me because competent manager understands that it is their responsibility to encourage staff to pursue their hobbies and unique skill sets. This should be your goal when hiring employees: you want someone who can offer something unique to the table to help you take your company to the next level. Companies have squandered this opportunity by requiring people to complete things in very particular, restrictive ways. However, I’ve discovered that micromanaging has a negative impact on morale and creativity. As a manager, you must strike a balance between guiding your staff while also allowing them to contribute their talents and enthusiasm to the company.

Now it’s your turn.

Being a great manager requires not just technical expertise, but also leadership and decision-making abilities, which may be the difference between a successful and unsuccessful company. Managers may generate a domino effect that benefits the rest of the staff down the line with the correct motivation.

Which of these motivational management quotations resonates the most with you? Let us know which one is your favorite in the comments.

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