5 Great Examples of Testimonial Pages That Generate Sales

When it comes to generating sales, there is no question that reviews and testimonials can go a long way. A well-written testimonial can be the difference between a potential customer making the purchase or passing. But with so many options out there, how do you know which company testimonial pages will work and which ones won’t?

Testimonials are crucial for generating sales on your website. These pages help bolster your reputation, and can also lead to more sales if your testimonials page is set up properly. Below we’ve included examples of 5 power testimonial pages that you can use as a template when building and testing your own testimonial generator.


Bizzabo is an event management software with an excellent review example page. Their website is well-designed and has a fantastic vibe about it. The nicest part about their review sample website is that it includes a variety of reviews and testimonials, including review tweets, written testimonials, case studies, and their Capterra review ratings.

A feedback page like this might help potential buyers find answers to questions they may have about your product. Including a variety of review types guarantees that ideal buyers may read their preferred style of review (e.g. video testimonials, tweets, etc.). On your site’s review page, the goal is to provide something for everyone.

Why it works


Bizzabo’s testimonial pages feature the actual comments left by your clients, making them more trustworthy than stock pictures.

Modern look & feel

The templates are sleek and professional, attracting customers with a modern design.

Case studies

Case studies are another great way to show potential customers how you have helped others achieve success.

Social proof

Including social media, shares is another great way to show potential customers that others have had positive experiences with your business.


mHelpDesk is a field service software with a good customer review page that includes video and written reviews, in-depth client testimonials, and case study testimonials, all of which are nicely arranged as relevant content.

On their website’s testimonial page, they’ve included photographs of certificates from any relevant review sites. What’s amazing about mHelpDesk’s page is that they’ve concentrated on video testimonials from real customers. People like to interact with video reviews over other types of reviews.

The testimonial page, on the other hand, isn’t well-designed. This is one of the areas where mHelpDesk falls short. The page will be redesigned in order to increase sales for the software firm.

Why it works

Video testimonials lead to higher conversion rates

Consumers trust what they see and hear far more than what they read. In fact, 4X as many customers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it. Video testimonials build trust in your brand and help convert prospects into paying customers.

Video testimonials boost social media results

A survey by Animoto found that 91% of consumers are likely to share a video with their friends on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+. Video lets you reach people where they spend their time online…and turn them into new customers.

Inspires confidence

Seeing other clients happy with what they receive will make your current or future clients feel confident about using your services as well. This is particularly true if there are people from their own industry or niche that you work with that may have been customers in the past.

Boost trust

The whole point of testimonials is to give visitors confidence that they’re making the right choice by choosing your product or service. If people see others saying nice things about you, they’ll be more inclined to give you a try themselves.

Encourage sharing

When people see what others are saying about your business, it creates an urge within them to share this information with others on their own social media sites as well as in person. More customers coming through the door is always a good thing!


ZenDesk does not require an introduction. It has one of the best client success stories out there, which is now Airbnb’s success with ZenDesk. This is an excellent technique to attract people’s attention by demonstrating how you assisted your customers in succeeding.

ZenDesk has a big collection of case studies because it is a large-scale solution that has been in business for a long time. You won’t be able to develop a page as large as ZenDesk’s, but you can learn a great deal from it.

Instead of just making a comment on the company, you should turn customer feedback into interesting case studies that provide value to the readers.

Why it works

Creates a persona for the customer

ZenDesk creates a persona clients can choose which helps shape their messaging and identify where engagement opportunities lie.

Adopts a discovery mindset

ZenDesk uses customer testimonials as an opportunity to learn how they can improve their product or service, as well as how they can continue to demonstrate value to customers.


HootSuite has amassed a massive library of case studies, all of which are based on user feedback and testimonials. They’ve created a page that looks a lot like ZenDesk’s. All of the reviews are turned into long-form case studies that demonstrate to readers how to use HootSuite to their advantage.

What I like about HootSuite’s page is that it focuses on the benefits and achievements that its clients have accomplished rather than the functionality of their platform.

This is a fantastic method to create a testimonial page. Instead of focusing on your product’s features, consider how it will solve your audience’s problem.

All of the testimonials have been transformed into case studies and are now available on HootSuite’s resource website.

Why it works

Sense of urgency

A customer feels a sense of urgency to make a purchase when he sees that others are also making a purchase based on an experience shared by them.

For example, if you see that a customer has purchased your product after reading about another customer’s experience with it, you too might be inclined to purchase it due to the fact that you will get similar benefits from it.

Specific and relevant

ZenDesk’s testimonial pages are written in order to be effective it should be both specific and relevant. A testimonial that speaks to a particular problem that your prospect faces will have much more impact than one that does not. Make sure that you deliver on the promises made in the testimonial by providing clear links back to your site in the copy, as well as any necessary product ordering information.


Copy HubSpot’s case studies page if you need to create a testimonial page for your business. It is an excellent example of a page that is not only well-designed but also provides significant value to the readers. The case studies concentrate on the accomplishments of their clients.

The case studies are provided in both written and video format, and they indicate whether the consumer migrated from another provider. This is a fantastic approach to increase sales and engage with new clients. Those who want to see video testimonies can do so, while those who want to examine the case study can do so.

The testimonial page is well-designed, with many images and vectors. It’s easier for readers to skim the text and get to the point fast when you employ graphics and photos.

HubSpot also posts images of their clients that aren’t headshots, which is incredible. They use huge photographs that stand out in a crowd.

This is an excellent approach to demonstrate to potential buyers that your former customers are extremely satisfied. This is one of the top testimonial page examples, meant to build trust and provide useful industry knowledge while also providing social proof for the brand.

Why it works

Acknowledges your customer’s pain points

The first thing that comes across when reading Hubspot’s testimonials is how they begin. Does it address the problem the user has? Does it acknowledge the problem? Do you solve a common pain point for them? These are all great ways to start off a testimonial.

Using visuals

The more visual your testimonials are, the more likely it is that people will pay attention to them. Use screenshots, charts, videos, or other multimedia elements so that people understand what you can do for them quickly.

Uses third-party statistics

Hubspot uses credible third-party statistics to highlight results.

Final Thoughts

To inspire you all we have aggregated a list of some great testimonial pages that generate sales. Take inspiration from them, create your own testimonial page to promote your business, and enjoy the strategy behind these famous sites.

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